HAVEN GROUPS (for girls)
As parents, it can sometimes be challenging to get more than one word answers from our kids. We want them to have a safe place to share, to feel seen and to learn new life skills. Heartsong Counseling to the rescue!
Heartsong launches new groups for girls, called Haven, every semester. These faith based groups will integrate activities such as art, music, cooking, hands-on activities and the outdoors within a community building and learning framework. The aim is to be a safe place for girls to be real, feel loved and grow in life skills to live a hope anchored, resilient life
If your girl could use some help with:
Regulating emotions / Healthy friendships
Managing stress / Decision making
Body image / Negative thoughts
Motivation / Attitude
Healthy tech use / Anxiety and depression
Loneliness / Worry
Finding purpose / Discovering her strengths
Self confidence / Perfectionism
People pleasing / Overthinking
Healthy emotional boundaries
Then a Haven group might be a great fit for your girl. A new group for girls ages 10-12 will begin on Feb 21st!
For more info or to register for an upcoming group follow the “Learn More” link.
The Cove Groups (For Boys)
Sign up for our newsletter and email blast for all our group announcements and updates!